Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Femoral aneurysms

- iatrogenic injury during catheter placement is most common etiology.
- degenerative femoral aneurysms are associated with a high likelihood of other more serious aneurysms. 70% AAA, 70% bilateral gem aneurysms, popliteal aneurysms, thoracic aneurysms.

Natural history
- <3 cm is usually benign
- behaviour of aneurysms with significant trombus is unknown

Indications for operation.
- symptomatic
- complicated
- rapidly enlarging
Urgent repair
- limb threatening complications : embolism, thrombosis, rupture

Natural history of pseudoaneurysms after perc acess
- generally benign
- 90% will thrombose off within 2-3 months
- non-operative managment recommended in most instances
- indications to intervene - active hemorrhage, compartment syndroem, femoral neuropathy, infection, embolization, distal ischemia, skin necrosis or breakdown and severe pain

- defeneratuve aneurysms must be resected and bypasses.
- anastamotic aneurysms can be divided and revised

- Posted from iPhone

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