Monday, January 4, 2010

Nutrition Academic Half-Day:

Dumping Syndrome:
- 4-6 small meals a day
- Avoid liquids with meals
- liquids 30 mins after a meal
- avoid high sugar foods

- full fluids for 2 weeks post-op
- avoid carbonated drinks, caffeine, EToH
- high protein choices
- 1/2 cup fluids while pt awake
- transition to solids 2 weeks post-op
- 3 meals with snacks in between
- drink milk between meals to incrase Ca and protein intake
- start 1/4 cup at a time, in crease to 1 cup (6-8 weeks)
- no drinking with meal/solids (so they don't fill up with low nutrient fluids)
- daily multivitamin
- calcium citrate with Vit D (Citrate is only form of calcium absorbed in the stomach)
- 1200-1500 IU Ca
- 800 U Vit D

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