Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Gallbladder Cancer

T1a GB Ca: usually early stage
- usually found incidentally after routine lap chole
- incidence after routine lap chole for cholelithiasis - 1-2%
- 5 year survival for T1a GB ca confined to the mucosa - 85-100%

Symptomatic patients: usually advanced stage
- U/S only 50% sensitive for GB ca
- if suspicion of GB cancer pt should have a CT scan or MRI to look for invasion into adjacent structures, LN or encasement of portal vein or hepatic artery.
- Other investigations to consider: PET, MRCP, ERCP

Treatment is based T-stage of the tumor
- contraindications to surgical resection: liver mets, malignant ascites, peritoneal mets, distant disease, extensive involvement of hepatoduodenal ligament, encasement or occlusion of major vessels, poor performance status.

Lap Chole:
Tis or T1a

Radical Cholecystectomy:
-T1b (15% subserosal LN involvement) or T2 (40-80% subserosal LN involvement)
- radical cholecystectomy involves resection of GB with a 2cm hepatic parenchymal margin and LN dissection within the porta hepatis, gastroduodenal ligament, gastrohepatic ligament and Kocher for LN dissection behind duodenum
- can be done at time of initial lap chole or can be delayed - survival the same

Radical Cholecystectomy +/- en bloc resection of locally invaded organs:
- advised for T3/T4 tumors only if there is no evidence of metastatic spread
- 25-44% 5 year survival rate

- survival in locally unresectable or metastative disease often <1 yr
- no effective adjuvant treatment - all part of clinical trials

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