Friday, May 28, 2010

DCW Salivary gland AHD talk

cystic lesions of minor salivary glands
- due to trauma (biting lip)
- treated by excision of entire cyst and reapproximation of oral mucosa
minor salivary glands can also be biopsied when asked for salivary gland bx for sjogren's diagnosis
salivary duct stones
- can be extracted with baskets by interventional radiologist
- staph aureus
- hydration
- sialogogues - lemon drops
- antibiotics
- drainage: through stensen's duct or 14G needle aspiration
Parotid lesions:
- parotid glands are now FNA'd whereas in past went straight to OR
rate of needletrack seeding
- 25G - 0.01%
1% chance of permenant facial nerve dysfunction
- marginal mandibular branch is long and thin and most likely involved
- 20% of temporary dysfunction
posterior belly of digastric for deptth
- finger on mastoid point to nose
- 1/2 distance at depth of digastric belly
Fascial layers of neck

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