Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Gastric cancer issues

Staging is very important tumor depth and ln involvement. Eus, ct scan.
- one issue is how accurate is standard eus in determining true depth of invasion in early gastric or esophageal cancer. Does gistopathologc characteristics impact on likelihood of missed positive LNs

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Magic trial vs chemotherapy and rt

Lymphadenectomy. 16 ln needed. In west d2 has not been shown to be of benefit. And adds morbidity

Extent of resection.
- total gastrectomy vs subtotal/pylorus preservig gastrectomy.

Anastamosis and reconstruction technique.
In japan b1 or RenY, Korea b1, edm RenY
- hamdsewn vs linear stapler vs Orville endoluminal stapler.

- Posted from iPhone

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