Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Laparoscopic technique for obstructing cancer


Obstruction more common in left sided tumors
Multistage open resection
Subtotal colectomy
Stenting as a bridge to laparoscopy

Stenting has a high rate of success
Risk is ~4% of perforation converting the lesion to a t4 tumor.
- depends on site of perforation. At tumor site upstage. Cecal perforation for sigmoid tumor not considered an upstage.

Higher risk of complication in non-ercpist endiscopist

Us there a rusk of tumor cell dissemination after stenting? There is but the clinical revalencr of this is currently unknown. Increase serum cea and ck20.

Chemotherapy may increase stent complications.
Bevacizumab increased perforations if used within 6 weeks of surgery.

- Posted from iPhone

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