Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hepatic Abscess

Potential routes for hepatic seeding are:
1) Biliary tree (currently most common)
2) Portal vein (usually GI source)
3) Hepatic artery (can be from any distant infection site/sepsis)
4) Direct extension (usually from abscess in vicinity of liver)
5) Trauma
Cryptogenic abscesses are very common and often a source is not identified

most common organisms: E coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae

Antibiotic therapy and percutaneous drainage are currently the mainstays of treatment.
However, when this fails or the pt has a concomitant disease process that requires operative management, surgical drainage is indicated:
- use imaging to help guide site of drainage
- needle aspirate to confirm location and to get C&S sample (aerobic, anaerobic and gram stain - for ameobae too)
- abscess drained and finger dissection to break loculations
- biopsy wall of abscess cavity to rule out amebic trophozoites and presence of necrotic tumor
- biopsy normal liver --> presence of micro-abscesses will warrant a longer course of IV antibiotics
- closed suction drains in abscess cavity

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