Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Radiation Proctitis

Can result from external beam radiation or brachytherapy for cervical or prostate cancer.
Radiation oncologists can try and reduce incidence by using differential dosing during radiation or by using spacer techniques to increase distance between treated organ and rectum.

Complications of radiation proctitis include:
- bleeding
- tenesmus
- stricturing
- incontinence
- fistulas
- diarrhea

Mild radiation proctitis is usually self-limiting and decreases over time
proctitis can be acute or chronic and can present late even in the absence of immediate proctitis

Treatment options include:
- nothing
- enemas (cortisone, 5-ASA); evidence for these treatments is sparse and potentially can even cause more harm
- medium chain fatty acids
- Formalin/methanol topical application
- YAG laser
- thermal cautery
- if severe stricturing or fistulization then procetectomy or diverting colostomy maybe required

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