Saturday, July 10, 2010

Parathyroid Hormone

Single most important regulator of calcium and phosphate homeostasis in the body.

Direct effects on bone and kidneys
Indirect effects on intestines (mediated viaVitD)

Effects on Bone:
- complex interaction activating osteoblasts and osteoclasts
- act indrectly on osteoclasts but have direct ligands on osteoblasts
- acts first to mobilize minerals from areas of rapid equilibrium
- prolonged PTH exposure results in further bone mineralization as lysozomal and hydrolytic enzymes are synthesized

Effects on Kidney:
- PTH has 3 effects on kidneys
- increases production of alpha-hydroxolase, resulting in increased hydroxylation of cholecalciferol to calciferol.
- increases reabsorption of calcium in distal nephron (loop of henle and proximal tubule Ca reabsorption is linked to Na and not influenced by PTH)
- prevents reabsorption of both phosphate and bicarbonate

Effects on Intestine:
- indirect and results in increased calcium absorption by increased VitD hydroxylation in kidney

Feedback inhibition is regulated by calcium levels.
- increased calcium normally results in inhibition of PTH secretion
- decreased calcium levels result in increased PTH secretion

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