Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hyperthyroidism Questions:

1)    indications for surgery in hyperthyroidism, all except:
a)     childhood
b)    pregnancy
c)    reoperation for hyperthyroidism
d)    toxic adenoma
e)     toxic multinodular goiter

2)    a 30yo nurse presents with a 3 week history of malaise and weakness. Her thyroid gland is diffusely enlarged and tender. Her ESR is slightly elevated, and her T4 is twice normal. What should be done:
a)     total thyroidectomy
b)    radioactive iodine ablation
c)    treatment with NSAIDS and rest
d)    treatment with propanolol and PTU
e)     FNA

3)    a 35yo male has an asymmetrically enlarged thyroid gland. The ESR is 60. T4 is 180 and iodine uptake is 4%. He most likely has:
a)     Graves
b)    Ridel’s struma
c)     Haschimotos disease
d)   subacute thyroiditis
e)     toxic multinodular goitre

4)    Hashimoto’s thyroididtis may be associated with:
a)     follicular thryroid ca
b)    papillary thyroid ca
c)    lymphoma
d)    leukemia
e)     Hurtle cell tumors

5)    which of the following statements regarding Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is not true:
a)     it is the commonest type of thyroiditis
b)    there is a familial predisposition
c)     the gland is infiltrated with giant cells
d)    it occurs mostly in the middle age females
e)     antithyroid Ab may be present


  1. Answers:
    1-C, 2-C, 3-D, 4-C, 5-?

  2. 5-A:

    -Hashi's is the most common cause of HYPOthyroidism, no specific reference to most common cause of thyroiditis but suggests subacute thyroiditis as the "major" cause of pain in the thyroid.
    - moderate genetic predisposition to Hashi with identified HLA markers,
    - Histology shows lymphocytic infiltration with germinal centers, follicular cells can undergo metaplasia to Hurthle cells - which are predominant in Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
    - Female predominance 9:1, mean age 30-60
    - hashi's is an autoimmnune disorder with presence of anti-thyroid TPO antibodies
