Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Papillary thyroid cancer

Lymph node metastases are most common.
Distant metastatic spread is rare. Lun and bone are two most common sites

- Ground glass nuclei, cellular grooving and psammoma bodies are diagnostic features of papillary thyroid cancer and if seen can be used to confirm diagnosis.
- 30-50% of papillary thyroid cancers are multicentric with a simultaneous cancer in the contralateral lobe.
- this is the reason for endorsement of a total thyroidectomy in cases where the lesion is a papillary thyroid cancer.
- while distant mets to bone and lung are the most common sites for papillary cancer metastases, distant mets are rare.  Whereas lymph node mets are quite common with this type of thyroid cancer

 Sent from iPhone

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