Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thyroid MCQ

 1)    to prove a thyroid cyst is benign:
a)     CT neck
b)    cytology and FNA
c)     US
d)    thyroid scan

2)    the best treatment for a women with a thyroid nodule which is hot on thyroid scanning and decreased TSH and increased free T4 is:
a)     radioactive iodine
b)    thyroid suppression
c)     operation
d)    FNAB to R/O malignancy
e)     Observation

3)    thyroid nodule 4cms in size:
a)     observe
b)    suppress
c)     resect

4)    what is the best initial investigation for a solid mass in the thyroid:
a)     US
b)    Thryroid function test
c)     FNA
d)    Scan
e)     serial physical exam

5)    10 yo seen by school nurse, found 3cm mass non-tender inferior aspect of the thyroid:
a)     observe and reasses in 6 months
b)    thryroid suppression
c)     radioactive iodine
d)    operate
e)     wait until puberty

6)    with regards to thyroid ca:
a)     lymphatic spread
b)    hematogenous spread
c)     may be multinodular and encapsulated
d)    mets may look normal

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